Sunday, May 20, 2012

Satveer Chaudhary quoted in a Star Tribune Article

Chaudhary Law Office founder, attorney Satveer Chaudhary, was quoted yesterday, May 19th, 2012 in a Minneapolis Star Tribune articel about travel to Canada.  Earlier in the year Candadian authorities have stated that border patrols will have the option to allow those with minor infractions on their criminal records, that occurred more than 5 years ago, to apply for a one-time resident permit for entry into Canada.   The entry, however, is completely at the discretion of the border crossing officer.

The article states:

But meanwhile, those with multiple misdemeanor convictions or more serious offenses still have difficult hurdles to clear if they want to enter Canada.

"I continue to have a steady stream of people [seeking help]," said Satveer Chaudhary, a Fridley attorney and former state legislator. People can seek "criminal rehabilitation" status by filling out numerous forms and getting an FBI background check, which can take eight weeks to receive. Fingerprints also are required.

That process is lengthy, but if accepted, a person can enter Canada freely. "People make mistakes," Chaudhary said. "Most of those mistakes shouldn't be a lifelong yoke around your neck if you want to hunt and fish." His advice: Plan ahead. It can cost several hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on whether a person hires an attorney or not, to acquire criminal rehabilitation status.

Ultimately, those with criminal convictions will have to decide if they're willing to pay the money and spend the time jumping through those bureaucratic hoops, Chaudhary said. "I had that conversation with a fellow last week. He said, 'Well, I don't need to go to Canada that bad.'"

To read the full article, follow the link below!

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Satveer Chaudhary is the founding lawyer of Chaudhary Law Office, PLLC.  In practice over 10 years Chaudhary brings 14 years of legislative experience as a State Senator and Member of the Minnesota House of Representatives to each and every case

Satveer S. Chaudhary is a lifelong sportsman and former wildlife and conservation policy- maker. As an attorney, he represents hunting and fishing organizations, businesses, individual hunters and anglers, and serves on the board of Safari Club International. He has worked in a variety of capacities with National Association of Sportsmen Caucuses, NRA, Ducks Unlimited, and Pheasants Forever. He knows the law because he helped make it.

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